Is MI$$ION$ Going To The Dogs?

Is MI$$ION$ Going To The Dogs?

Warning! “Feather ruffling” possibility: HIGH.

I have observed a trend over the last several years.  It seems our society is placing a growing level of importance on dogs.  Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs.  I just think that dogs are what they are…dogs. Nothing more.  Loyal? Yes.  Much more than cats! (My apologies to the all the cat-people out there)  But, still…they are… dogs.

There is a commercial on TV currently that is the latest installment by the ASPCA (American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) designed to pull heavily on your heart strings while reaching deeply into your pockets.  I was perturbed during the holidays at this organization’s hijacking the meaning of Christmas with a donation driven appeal of shivering dogs in the snow while an ethereal version of Silent Night was playing in the background.

Photo courtesy of Charles Deluvio (

However, regarding the present campaign, I am down right irritated!  There is more footage of underfed, mistreated, sad dogs attached to heavy chains in the sweltering heat of summer with no water.  Only now, the ASPCA appeals for funding are using speech phrases that missionaries have used for years regarding the cause of the Great Command of Christ (Matthew 28:18-20).  Here is a sampling;

  • The ASPCA is asking for $19.00 a month to “reach more animals”.
  • “Many of these animals are almost out of time.”
  • “We need 2000 new donors in the next 30 days so that we can rescue more animals who need our help this summer.”
  • “Please help save animals this summer.”

Now, before I go any further, let it be understood I am in no way insensitive to mistreating animals.  I would not treat a dog that way nor do I enjoy seeing dogs treated that way.  My purpose in writing this, though, is to call for a reality check.

Reality check #1:  Human beings are the only feature of creation created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27) thus having an eternal being.  God places tremendous value on the life of human beings.  So much so He sent His only Son to die in order to redeem them (John 3:16).  Between 2005-2015  900,000 Persecuted Christians were martyred – an average of 90,000 each year killed1.  Our society in the USA is fine with terminating the lives of over 3000 human beings every day through abortion2.  Thousands upon thousands of indigenous peoples continue to die not knowing that Jesus is the Savior while the ASPCA needs 2000 more financial donors this summer to “reach, rescue and save” … dogs!!!

Reality Check #2:  Jesus’ last command was for His people to be witnesses for His life-giving message to the entire world including every people group (Acts 1:8, Luke 24:45-47).  Yet Americans spend more on Halloween costumes for their pets than they do on missionary endeavors to reach the real unreached!3

 Reality Check #3: As far as I can tell in the Scriptures Jesus never had a pet nor did he ever command anyone to help them. But He did feed 5000 men, healed hundreds of people of diseases, rescued countless human lives from desperate circumstances, and gave His life to give eternal life to the entire population of humanity.  Oh, and by the way, he did command us to go reach people (Matthew 28:19).

 Folks, I am not anti-pets.  They serve many purposes that are good and harmless. They are fun and bring a lot of smiles to life.  I am not even anti-ASPCA. I’m sure there are some wonderful, well-meaning  people associated with that organization.  But, I am for proper balance in the real, Scripturally defined issues of life.  If you give to the ASPCA that is fine, but please consider if that gift is prioritized proportionally with the causes that build the Kingdom of Christ and have eternal benefit.  Shall we “reach, rescue and save” dogs or eternal souls?  Let’s invest time, energy and money into the things we know are in line with the heart of God… helping PEOPLE.

 Action Step: Consider how much money you directly spend on pet related expenses vs. the amount you directly invest in the last, great command of Jesus to reach the world with His Gospel?  Is there a disparity? Do you need to make adjustments?

If so, please do so.  Your dog will be just as devoted to you as ever.  And… your cat will continue to ignore you like always. 😊

Thanks for reading.


1Center for the Study of Global Christianity, via