Native Americans. Misreached?

Reached = Evangelized. Discipled. Equipped. Fully functioning1 indigenous church established.

Unreached = No significant response to the Gospel message either by no exposure or no acceptance.  Also classified as least-reached which means less than or equal to 2% evangelical Christian, less than or equal to 5% professing Christian2.

Unengaged2 = a people group is not engaged when it has been merely adopted, is the object of focused prayer, or is part of an advocacy strategy.” At least four essential elements constitute effective engagement:

  • apostolic effort in residence;
  • commitment to work in the local language and culture;
  • commitment to long-term ministry;
  • sowing in a manner consistent with the goal of seeing a Church Planting Movement (CPM) emerge.

Photo courtesy of Andre James

I recently heard that only 5% of Native Americans (called “First Nations” in Canada) identify as Evangelical Christians.  When one considers that some Native Americans have been exposed to Christianity since the mid 1600’s, that is a startlingly low percentage.  Based upon the common understanding of the terms used in Missiology  (above) the Native American situation may not fit cleanly in any of them. Churches sporadically spot the reservation maps but most of them (so I am told) are not driven by a methodology that is indigenously motivated.  Starting a church on a reservation with the same mindset by which one would start a church in Columbus, Ohio will undoubtedly establish significant barriers before the launching of the initial Sunday service!

The 5% reception rate communicates one thing quite loudly; Whatever has been practiced for 300 years has not worked very well.  Endeavors to “reach” native Americans have failed to accomplish the task.  Well-meaning missionaries have sought to engage Native Americans for three centuries.  All but one of the Native American languages have had at least some Bible translation work done in them yet the conclusion my research is producing is that Indigenous Native American churches are almost unheard of.  My training and experience in working as a church planter to an indigenous people group in Papua New Guinea has caused me to conclude that mission methodology may be the primary culprit.   When missions is driven by assimilation goals that are culturally, linguistically and historically insensitive it is highly unlikely that anything close to an indigenous church will result.  This is why, perhaps, the term mis-reached is the most accurate term to describe the attempts to reach Native Americans.

On another blog I will detail some of the social issues obstacles in Native American societies.  For now, understand that it is a condition that demonstrates the terrible darkness that Satan produces when unimpeded by the Gospel’s presence.  It is a reality that only Jesus can remedy.

Will you pray with me about this?  I desire to help in this dilemma in some way.  Perhaps my training and experience could be of some service.  I will be exploring some options out west in September.  Please pray for the 567 federally recognized Native American Tribes (326 Reservations) that exist in our country.


1Fully functioning based upon the church planting principles of Self-governing, Self-sustaining, Self-propagating.  These three concepts mean the church is not dependent on outside assistance in any way and the initiative and drive to maintain these principles comes from within the people group rather than from outsiders.


The Gift of Reading

Though it occurred in 1999, my memory of it is very clear. I had just finished teaching a lesson in the village. We were about a month into the foundational evangelism teaching at Malaumanda. Yagitasa (a widowed mother probably in her late 30’s at that time and a regular attendee to the teaching) called me over to where she was sitting with her sister. She said, “Jeff, we were talking last night and we can remember what God created on the first, second and third days but we cannot remember what God created on the fourth day. Can you remind us?” I replied to her that on that day God distinguished day and night with their respective lights and created the stars. “Oh, that’s right! Now we remember” she replied. Then she said something I have never forgotten…
“When you missionaries teach us to read our own language and translate God’s Word for us in our language we will not have to ask you questions like this anymore because we’ll be able to find the answer ourselves by reading it.”

Just two years the New Testament was presented to that remote tribal group in Papua New Guinea. Believers in that church can now read God’s Word because their language had been established in written form and many literacy classes were taught over the years laying the ground work for that great day!

This was part of our church planting strategy and emphasizes why literacy in the local language is so important. Not only is reading a skill that produces life-long benefits, it is also a skill that opens to us the Truths written in God’s Word.

Note this fact in Ephesians 3:4. While making reference to the grace of God found in the Gospel, Paul notes the important connection between understanding and reading when he writes…

“by which, when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ”

…We mustn’t miss the worth of this statement. Clearly, with reading comes understanding. In recent years some missionary methods have surfaced emphasizing the oral communication aspects of some cultures while minimizing the significance of the written word. Let’s not forget the crucial significance of reading the inspired, written Word of God. To have the written Scriptures in one’s language and to be able to read them are both gifts. Let’s rejoice in the treasure of these gifts today!

Please consider these five areas…

  • Take a moment and reflect on the significance of your education and thank the Lord for the fact you can read the language you speak. Many still cannot.
  • When was the last time you expressed your gratitude to the Lord for the Bible in your language? Many spoken languages around the world still do not have a Bible translated into that language.
  • Many people groups still exist without their language in written form. Would you pray for them?
  • All around the globe missionary efforts are presently involved in the tedious process of teaching literacy and translating the Scriptures. Often these two momentous tasks are being done simultaneously by missionaries. Pray for them to have the stamina and wisdom for both endeavors.